Thursday, April 23, 2009

Novels 6D
The Giver- Travis, Ethan, Brendan
SOS- Tiffany, Alexa, Logan, Dallas
Stolen Away- Mikayla, Jane
The Cay- James, Bailey, Riley, Craig, Kiersten
Island- Carleigh, Taylor
Far side of the Mountain- Wade

Literacy Homework

Thursday April 23rd
  • Read three chapters of your novel for Monday April 27th.
  • Record new, challenging, interesting words in your minibook.
  • Write a short (100 word) summary of chapters 1-3 for Monday April 27th. This can be completed in a new duo tang that you plan to use for this novel work only. (color is your choice)
  • Phys ed- Write a one paragraph description of a ten minute activity you would like to teach the class. The activity can be original or a tried and tested activity that you would like to teach the class.
  • A couple of people have not passed in their healthy choice activity sheet, please get those in as soon as possible.

6M Novel Groups-
Ryan- The Cay
Eric- The Cay
Jessica- Island of the blue Dolphins
Justine- Island of the blue Dolphins
Denzel- The Cay
Kenzie- Island of the blue Dolphins
Sarah- Island of the Blue Dolphins
Danielle- Island of the blue Dolphins
Tristan- The Cay
Laura- S.O.S Titanic
Cody- The Cay
Savannah- Island of the blue Dolphins
Shelby- Island of the blue Dolphins
My Room
I walked downstairs to my room, I tried to open the door but it was jammed shut. Finally I busted into my room, then I realized that a disaster had struck. It was a mess, I thought a pig stie was a complement to this room. There were clothes everywhere covering my brown carpet floor which was also covered with what I thought was raisins but then i realized I never ate raisins in here before. My goldfish blacky was floating upside down dead, along with my stuffed animals which were tore apart by my dog were all over the place. Speaking of my dog he left me a little present in the corner. My light blue walls were now covered in spaghetti and my little sister was throwing half eaten cookies all over the place. Then I turned around and my other wall was covered in marker drawings, just then my parents walked in.
The game involves two hoops and a little ball that bounces. You try and get the ball into the hoop each time it goes in your team gets 5 points. The game is over when a team gets 50 points that means you win. Slam dunks are worth 10 points. You play with 3 players 2 people to try and score the other person defends the gole. The rules are you can't push the person down unless you want a penalty shot for the other team. In hardcore games of Dunkin people usally throw softballs to knock people off guard.
Bed room story
As I was walking down the hall to the washroom I herd this crazy noise coming from my bed room. I had to use the washroom bad but I decided to go to my room in stead. When I went to open the door I was kinda scared but I wanted to know what was in there. So I barged into my room and my jaw dropped there were squirrels in my room. One by one they were destroying every thing i had. I quickly shut my door so they could not get into the rest of the house. I thought for a second and then i got it i have totally for got that Ihave a acorn tree in the back yard. I went out and got some. When i got back I ran to my room and opened the door with a hand full of acorns in my hand. When i went into the room the squirrels all stopped and looked at me. I was to scared to move. I knew that they could smell the acorns and that they were hungry. I tried to get out but I locked my self in. Then they could not wait any longer they wanted the acorns now. All of the squirrels came at me scratching me and biting me to get to the acorns it was like being cut by fifty raisers. After the acorns were gone they all left. I got up and left my room i just realized I did not half to go to the washroom any more. Bailey
Bedroom Story
I closed my eyes and opened the door praying that my room would be clean. I opened my eyes and gasped where my dresser once sat was bare. I looked down on the floor and there it was broken into at least 1000 pieces. My clothes were scattered all over the floor. I looked in my closet there wasn't one stitch of clothing left in it. All that was left to my bed was the frame if you would even call it a bed. The matress was all burnt to pieces. I thought it couldn't have happened and that it was all a dream but it was true my sisters have struck (again)!
How to Kick The Can
To play the game kick the can you have to know the rules first.The rules are that there is one person it, the person that is it has to try to catch half the amount of people that are there.
Say there are 16 people ,you would have to catch 8. The next rule is that if the person who is it tags you you are out. There is a second way to get someone out ,the person who is it has to say 1,2,3 on (their name) but the person who is it has to see them the whole time while they are saying it. At the first of the game the person that's it closes their eyes and turns away from the can ,Then someone kicks it and everybody runs behind cover. The person who's it has to run and get the can and put it back in its original place. If you were tagged or seen there is a bright side ,if one of your team mates kicks the can you are free to go .The final two rules are that there is no kicking the can until a team mate is caught and that if you were the first one caught when the person who's it reaches the limit of people you are it for the next round. If you play this correctly with the right amount of people I guarantee that you will have an awesome time! Brendan
Earth Day
Earth day is April.22 is when we turn of the lights and unplug all appliances maybe even ride a bike to school or work to save our environment! Earth Day was started in 1970 in California by Senator Gaylord Nelson.
By : Justine Jardine
Earth day
Earth Day is the one day of the year that people actually do something good for the environment. Sometimes it does a lot of good. But then the day after everything is back to normal. People go back to leaving all the lights on all day and using all their cars. I think it would be nice if everyone always did what they did on earth day. If everyone acted like they do on Earth Day there would be no more pollution, no more smog, then people in Beijing could see the stars at night. Then the ice in the arctic wouldn't melt and the Polar Bears wouldn't go extinct. If everyone acted like they did on Earth Day the world would be a better place. Eric
Dear fellow students, teachers and fellow members of our community,
We as a society have the opportunity to choose our future, not only for ourselves, but for generations to come. Everyday we do things that hurt our enviroment and ozonelayer, when we leave our rooms, some may leave their lights on, when we are away from the television set some may leave it on, We may leave the water running when we don't need it to be. These things we do are very unnessasary, they are simple little things, but simple is a big word when it comes to the enviroment. If everyone was to shut their lights out when they are not needed we would save enough energy to run around 10 small villages! We can do so much to help our Earth, we can save energy by shutting down electronics when they are not needed, we can rycycle and instead of driving our cars to work or school take a bicycle.
We don't realize what is hapening to ourselves and our surrondings when we drive cars or don't recycle. We get too polluted and deseases start to run through the air we call "fresh". Deseases such as cancer make it into our lakes and rivers killing our fish. Bears die because of the fish they are eating, Our Dear and Moose population starts to become low because of the toxic water they are drinking from our lakes. It is just one big chain! Animals and plants start to become extinct because of this! This is unhealthy, cruelty we are placing on this Earth!
When you think you are doing something good for our enviroment when you are reusing small plastic waterbottles, you are not!
Poisonus gas starts to build up in the water bottles so when you leave it sit and then refill it with water, the gas runs into the water and you are drinking it.
When you look on the bottom of the bottle make sure it is maked 4 or up if it is below 4 it is no good and will fill with gas when it is left sitting!
Recycle your bottles and use non-plastic ones.
It can make such a differnece in our ozonelayer and will prevent pollution. We should not be afraid to walk outside, scared of catching cancer or other deseases caused by pollution! This is a free country and we are most likely not free from the deseases. The kids should not be afraid of getting sick and neither should you, we should not have to lose animals and plants because people aren't paying more attention to what they are doing! Think of the homeless people on the streets and how all the money you are spending on plastic waterbottles and other things like gas could be donated to a charity.
We should be helping the Earth as much as we can each and everyday, but if you don't please on April 22 shut off your electronics and drive a bike to school or work! Show the Earth and wildlife how much you care! So recycle, reuse and save energy now before it is to late! Savannah
Earth day
Earth day is April 22nd every year. While April 22nd is the date commonly Celebrated as Earth Daythere is another Earth Day that occurs a month earlier and is celebrated in many countries around the world. This year the veternal equonox is March 20th, which means that it is aloso international Earth Day. Everyone is to shut off and unplug all light and appliances when this day comes. When we do this you can save enough energy to run a small village for a whole week.
By: Danielle Hubbard
Earth Day
Earth day is a day when you are suppose to be helping the environment. By recycling, may be riding a bike to school or work, not polluting, etc. Earth day falls on the 22nd of April every year.
Earth day first started in 1970 in California by Senator Gaylord Nelson. The symbol for earth day is a green circle and a horizontal green line through the middle.
By: Jessica
Pepsicle Commercial
Clerk is doing something to keep herself occupied
Store bell rings customers come in (Justine, Sarah, and Tristan)
Clerk (Jessica) - How may I help you?
Justine - May I have a Pepsi?
Clerk (Jessica) - Sure here you go!
(Justine passes the Pepsi to Tristan)
(Tristan drops Pepsi on the floor)
Sarah- Oh no! You dropped the Pepsi!
Tristan- Oh man…
(Ryan enters sweeping the floor)
Ryan- You’re not just going to leave it there are you?
(Justine holds a light-bulb behind Tristan head)
Tristan- I have an idea!
End of scene
(Tristan’s beside the freezer. Pours Pepsi in a test tube puts it in freezer)
Three hours later
(Tristan takes Pepsicle out of fridge and takes a lick)
(Everyone comes in and surrounds Tristan and says in unity)
Everyone says- Pepsicle peps you up all day!
Lights camera action every year my school puts on a production. I've been in drama for three years this year I got the lead part I am playing the role of Red riding hood. This play is called Doo Wop wed widng hood it is about three princes and they have to do tasks to win over Red riding hood. But every step the boy's make the Evil queen will try to stop them. The fairy Godmother will set three tasks for the boy's and she will try to stop the Evil queen. The story goes on but you'll just have to come and see it. In this play there is lot's of music, dancing and excitement so come to North and South Esk Elementry school to see the production of Doo Wop Wed Widing hood. Look on our web site or call the school at 836-7010. We invite you to our school for the production of Doo Wop Wed Widing Hood.