Monday, February 2, 2009

i think twilight is the best movie - book series ever because it is a cool topic and it is vary unique because not just anyone rights a book about a girl that falls in love with a vamper twilight is about a girl named bella and she falls in love with a vamper named Edward Edward has his secret and he will do anything to keep it but that's when bella comes and she finds out his secret. and if that wasn't bad enuf a rival gang shows up and kills people. but Edward is somewhat a vegetarian because his family only eats animals will Edward be able to control his thirst for bella's blood? Logan
Wow it is cold outside! Just yesterday it was -43 in the morning, by the afternoon it was -36 and by the evening it was -40. Today it felt like -40 outside. Since after the Christmas break we haven't gone outside. Once or twice did we go out and it was cold out there.
Music Madness
Music, music always cheers me up. Even if I'm listing to a sad, or a song about someone being mad, it still cheers me up, because I know that someone knows how I'm feeling, if they didn't how would they be able to write the song? Some of my favorite songs are:
● I Hate This Part
● Just Dance
● Just A Dream
● Jesus Take The Wheel
● That's Just The Way We Roll
● Love Story

I find the best medicine for being sad, or mad is listing to music!

Turkey Feathers Everywhere

In the fall my family has a tradition every summer we buy 14 turkeys and in the fall we kill them. My job is to pluck them. First I dump hot water into a big bucket, then I put the dead turkey in. After you soak the turkey you pull the feathers out of the turkey. By the end of the day there are turkey feathers everywhere.

By: Taylor

There I am at the top of the hill. Only me and victory in my road. I saw three kids about my age coming my way. I quickly jumped off the trail and the kids went without ski poles, I was so mad that they could go down a hill and I couldn't. I took off after them on my skis. I blinked and ran into a girl in the back of the line. Bang we hit the biggest tree I have ever seen. She looked at me and then got up twirled her hair and skied off. My aunt came over and asked me if I was alright. I felt joy and replied “ I went down all by my self.” Riley
Being a redhead

Being a redhead is nice but sometimes it can be really awful. Older women would come up to me and start playing with my hair and start saying that they want my color of hair. Some stars have red hair too like Lindsay Lohan, Seth Green. Red heads are really common in my family
I have a little sister and she has red hair too. About forty five members
of my family have red hair or maybe even more. Sometimes you get tired
of old women toughing at your hair but I do love being a redhead.

By: Mikayla
My Favorite TV Show
My favorite show is the Simpsons I always wacth
It. My favorite one is the one where Homer goes to
get a x-ray one his head and they find a pencil or
something up his nose and it got stuck in his brain.
Then they took it out of his brain and he was kind of
a nerd and he helped out Marge all the time doing work and then the family missed the old homer and then he shoved a pencil up his nose and he was dumb angin.
That is my favortie episode of the Simpsons.


Hockey is my favorite sport because i started playing at 5 years old .
I wasn't that good but i got better and better i learn new stuff by watching hockey games.
I love watching hockey games and if i miss the game i watch NHL on the fly .
When i was in alberta for 9 months i played for wembley wildcats and spirit river rangers .
I and then i came home . James
How To Build A Fighting Robot (adult help advised)

Building a fighting robot is not hard. The cost is about $60. You need 3-5 PS2
controllers(depending on how many vibrators it has), a mini saw blade, a strong stick, a wooden platform, 4 LEGO wheels, tape, and 5 batteries. First, attach the vibrators on the side of the platform as if you're applying wheels to a car. Ethan
Every year my family and I go to P.E.I to look at the fields of potatoes. They are so beautiful, we see many people out watering their potatoes. That is not the only reason we go. We go to get our picture taken at this place were you can dress up in different and old fashion clothes. It is very fun every year we get one and take it home. Then when we leave we always buy bags of potatoes they are so delicious. That is what my family does every year.

By: Bailey
My favorite Book

My favorite book is the sister club it's all about how this family of actor's.
There are three sisters Joey, Stevie and Alex they have a club they call the sister club. The oldest sister Alex is in the school play with a boy she really likes. You get really into the book after awhile it’s so funny when Alex invites Scott over to her house. He is the boy she likes, but at dinner Alex's plan goes wrong it turns out to be her worst nightmare. My favorite part was at the dinner it was so funny because Scott kissed Joey’s ear by a mistake it was so funny!! I loved the book I hope another one will come out!! Alexa