Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Earth Day
we turn off the light for 1 hour at 8:00- 9:Earth day first started on April 22 1969. It was founded by John McConnell. And plus there is a Earth hour. that's where you turn off your light's for one hour 8:30-9:30 that's to save the earth pretty near every one shut down the light's. Craig
Earth Day
Earth day is celebrated on the 22nd of April every year. Earth day first began on April 22nd, 1970. Earth day is a day when some families get together and pick garbage up off the side of the road and they also respect the earth and don't throw and garbage onto the side of the road. Environments use earth day to help get rid of environmental problems like water pollutions, air pollutions and soil pollutions, it also helps the animals in a way. Earth day is a day that was made specially for the earth and it is our job to keep it healthy.
Earth Day
Earth Day was started in 1970 April 22 spring. The one who started it was Gaylord Nelson who said that the bigger the population the more problems it has. The results were that Earth Day had many contests and parades in cities. At the parades they would give tree sprouts to people who would go home and plant them.
Today we were visited by two teachers from Holland. The teachers helped us chat with their Holland kids. When we were done they showed us a slide show about Holland and handed out treats. They also taught us a Holland song. At the end they gave us sunflower seeds and told us to take pictures of them. Wade
Holland Teachers

On Tuesday April 7th the Holland teachers visited us. They did a skype with their class, it was very nice and we asked there class questions. Then we got candy and cookies from Holland. It was cool and they gave us mini wooden shoes. We watched a video of pictures from Holland. It was really cool. I hope to skype with the class again . Logan
This morning Mrs. Leonne Scheers and Mr. Sjaau Yansen taught the grade 6 how to sing “Tulips From Amsterdam” of as they say “Tulpen uit Amsterdam”, they taught it to us in English, and in Dutch! It was very hard, but fun! Now I can say that I know how to sing a Dutch song!
This morning we also skyped with our Holland partners, I got to see my partner Anne-Marie! We got to ask them questions, like what they do for fun, and what they put on their french fries! We actually have a lot in common with them, but one thing we don't have in common with them, is that they don't have very much snow!
Mrs. Leonne Scheers and Mr. Sjaau Yansen brought all of the grade 6's a candy, that looked like their money, it tasted a bit like black licorice! Tiffany
Holland Project
We are doing a project called the Holland project and each kid in our class is paired up with another kid in Holland. This morning at our school we had Mrs. Leonne Scheers and Mr. Sjaau Yansen come in and we skyped with their class. We got to ask the teacher and kids what it was like in Holland and they asked us a few questions. Mrs. Leonne Scheers and Mr. Sjaau Yansen taught us a song called Tulips From Amsterdam. Before they left they gave us each a candy that looked like their money and they gave us a key chain with a pair of shoes on it they also gave us a pack of sunflower seeds and they gave us a competition to plant the seeds and when they grow take a picture of the sunflower and send it to them and they will pick the biggest one then they would send you a prize.
Every year on April 22 we have Earth day it is celebrated by people all over the world we have Earth day because we want people to remember to respect are earth with love and care. In Canada we have people that are called Earth day hometown heroes and they take a stand and get people involved in helping out the environment. And the people who are recognized for helping the environment a lot get a reward on Earth day this year if you are the Canadian
Earth day winner you could receive 10,000 in cash or 5,000 in cash. Some I things I do on Earth day to help out is pick up some garbage that are on the road or around my house and when my family goes to the grocery store we could start using recyclable bags instead of plastic bags. That's all you have to do on Earth day to help out the environment and help out our earth to make it a better place to live so help out this Earth day.
By: Mikayla
Earth Day
Earth day was started in spring 1970. The man who started it was Gaylord Nelson. Now we celebrate earth day every year on April the 22.But we should clean up around the neighbourhood every day. So maybe tonight we can go outside and just clean up around the house or the neighborhood. Kiersten
This morning my school got to meet a Holland teacher and the Holland tech guy for the school.
They were real nice and we got to skype with the Holland teachers class we were on skype for 32:00 minutes and then we had recess and then we went to the other class to watch a video the teacher name was Leonne Scheers and the tech guy Sjaau Yansen. They gave us Holland tiny wooden shoes and candy and then we sang a song in English then Dutch Tulips from Amsterdam.
Earth day
Earth day is a day we celebrate every year by cleaning up our mother earth. It all started in 1970 April 22 by a U.S senator Gaylord Nelson. Earth day is now celebrated every year by millions of people across the planet. Every year me and my family walk and we take garbage bag's and we pick up all the garbage we see. we also try not to waist. Bailey
4 of our grade 6 students are taking part in an oratory competition at NSER high school. 3 students from Mr.Murphy's grade 6 class at competing and 1 from Mr.McCabe's grade 6 class.
The following students from grade 6 will be competing in the competition:
Jessica (Mr.Murphy)
Jordan (Mr.Murphy)
Savannah (Mr.Murphy)
Mikayla (Mr.McCabe

Earth day, the day we turn off all our lights for an hour. But turning off our lights for an hour is not enough we need all around help towards our planet. But what, what can we do to put the brakes on global warming. Well I have one of the answers in our school N.S.E.E we can do simple things like recycle paper. That we don't need instead of throwing it away later to be burned. Same with cans blue boxes to but the cans in so the don't dissolve into our earth and destroy it from the core. So simple things that we could do so our planet doesn't blow up twenty years from now.
- Ryan Curtis
Earth Day
Earth day is on April 22 every year. While April 22nd is the date commonly Celebrated as earth day Earth day also occurs about a month earlier and is celebrated in many countries around the world. This year it is on the veternal equon witch means this day is also earth day. On Earth Day Everyone is a told to turn of there lights and unplug everything for 1 hour. By doing this you are saving tons of energy! On Earth day 2009 we saved up enough energy to run a small village for a week. A whole week! If that is just for 1 hour imagine what will happen if you shut of your lights for a whole day! Kenzie
Helping the earth
I think we can help the earth by making a dump that we can dispose of all the garbage every week and take it to a place where it can evaporate into the air so it doesn't hurt our planet. What we throw out ruins our planet because it is where we throw out all our garbage ends up in dumps out in the middle of nowhere and that effects the animals habitat. If they die, we can die too because some of the animals that die, we need to survive. So if we can at least try to find a place that we can put our garbage I think we can make our would a better place to live. Tristan
Montreal Canadiens
Montreal Canadiens is my favorite hockey team, they're my favorite hockey team because they are closest to New Brunswick and they have 24 Stanley cups. My favorite player on Montreal is Robert Lang, but my favorite player over all they're 100 years is Maurice Richard, and my favorite coach is Guy Carbeneau. Right now Montreal's coach is Bob Gainey and they're captain is Saku Koivu. Montreal is my favorite hockey team and always will be. Jordan