Thursday, April 23, 2009

Dear fellow students, teachers and fellow members of our community,
We as a society have the opportunity to choose our future, not only for ourselves, but for generations to come. Everyday we do things that hurt our enviroment and ozonelayer, when we leave our rooms, some may leave their lights on, when we are away from the television set some may leave it on, We may leave the water running when we don't need it to be. These things we do are very unnessasary, they are simple little things, but simple is a big word when it comes to the enviroment. If everyone was to shut their lights out when they are not needed we would save enough energy to run around 10 small villages! We can do so much to help our Earth, we can save energy by shutting down electronics when they are not needed, we can rycycle and instead of driving our cars to work or school take a bicycle.
We don't realize what is hapening to ourselves and our surrondings when we drive cars or don't recycle. We get too polluted and deseases start to run through the air we call "fresh". Deseases such as cancer make it into our lakes and rivers killing our fish. Bears die because of the fish they are eating, Our Dear and Moose population starts to become low because of the toxic water they are drinking from our lakes. It is just one big chain! Animals and plants start to become extinct because of this! This is unhealthy, cruelty we are placing on this Earth!
When you think you are doing something good for our enviroment when you are reusing small plastic waterbottles, you are not!
Poisonus gas starts to build up in the water bottles so when you leave it sit and then refill it with water, the gas runs into the water and you are drinking it.
When you look on the bottom of the bottle make sure it is maked 4 or up if it is below 4 it is no good and will fill with gas when it is left sitting!
Recycle your bottles and use non-plastic ones.
It can make such a differnece in our ozonelayer and will prevent pollution. We should not be afraid to walk outside, scared of catching cancer or other deseases caused by pollution! This is a free country and we are most likely not free from the deseases. The kids should not be afraid of getting sick and neither should you, we should not have to lose animals and plants because people aren't paying more attention to what they are doing! Think of the homeless people on the streets and how all the money you are spending on plastic waterbottles and other things like gas could be donated to a charity.
We should be helping the Earth as much as we can each and everyday, but if you don't please on April 22 shut off your electronics and drive a bike to school or work! Show the Earth and wildlife how much you care! So recycle, reuse and save energy now before it is to late! Savannah

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