Thursday, May 7, 2009

The PS1 and The PS2
The playstation1 had its time and so did the playstation2. But which was better? The playstation 2 has better games and the playstation 1 had well weak games. The playstation 1 was on the market by 1994 and the playstation 2 was there by 1997. Playstations have the same controllers but the playstation 2 was better to play with. A lot of people have forgot the playstation1 and you can still find the playstation2 in some stores for only $160.00. You can still find playstation 1 games but only in like gaming shops and with the playstation 2 you find loads of games.
Novel Questions

Questions - Write 10 questions that could be answered by reading the book that you have chosen to read for this contract. Five of the questions should be easier questions with answers that are obvious simply by reading the book.
Five of the questions should be harder questions with answers that require more thinking, interpretation, and or combining of information from the book.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

The Super X

  1. Draw a map of the Area explored in your Novel /10
  2. Create a timeline for your story. Include at least 12 items. /10
  3. 200 words of how your character has changed from the beginning of the novel. /30 (Good Copy)
  4. Present a two minute News broadcast about incidents in your Novel. /10
  5. Design a survival kit for your character.
    (20 Items with description). /10
  6. Draw a detailed sketch of the shelter/house in your novel. /10
  7. Draw a portrait of a character from your novel. /10
  8. Create a 10 page power-point on an element of your novel. /10
  9. Write 14 line poem about an aspect of your novel. /10

    The Super X. Remember the guidelines, everyone does the middle square (200 words of how your character has changed from the beginning of the novel. /30 Good Copy), and then you have free choice with the remaining blocks. You must complete five blocks in total all assignments are due June 4th.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Literacy Home work
Read to the end of chapter 10- for Monday May 4th 2009
Write a 150 word description of the setting of your novel. The writing should be detailed and reflect how the setting adds to the novel. The setting is made up of where the story takes place, what elements of the landscape make the story work. Does the setting add to the tone of the story and show you the writer’s voice?

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Novels 6D
The Giver- Travis, Ethan, Brendan
SOS- Tiffany, Alexa, Logan, Dallas
Stolen Away- Mikayla, Jane
The Cay- James, Bailey, Riley, Craig, Kiersten
Island- Carleigh, Taylor
Far side of the Mountain- Wade

Literacy Homework

Thursday April 23rd
  • Read three chapters of your novel for Monday April 27th.
  • Record new, challenging, interesting words in your minibook.
  • Write a short (100 word) summary of chapters 1-3 for Monday April 27th. This can be completed in a new duo tang that you plan to use for this novel work only. (color is your choice)
  • Phys ed- Write a one paragraph description of a ten minute activity you would like to teach the class. The activity can be original or a tried and tested activity that you would like to teach the class.
  • A couple of people have not passed in their healthy choice activity sheet, please get those in as soon as possible.

6M Novel Groups-
Ryan- The Cay
Eric- The Cay
Jessica- Island of the blue Dolphins
Justine- Island of the blue Dolphins
Denzel- The Cay
Kenzie- Island of the blue Dolphins
Sarah- Island of the Blue Dolphins
Danielle- Island of the blue Dolphins
Tristan- The Cay
Laura- S.O.S Titanic
Cody- The Cay
Savannah- Island of the blue Dolphins
Shelby- Island of the blue Dolphins
My Room
I walked downstairs to my room, I tried to open the door but it was jammed shut. Finally I busted into my room, then I realized that a disaster had struck. It was a mess, I thought a pig stie was a complement to this room. There were clothes everywhere covering my brown carpet floor which was also covered with what I thought was raisins but then i realized I never ate raisins in here before. My goldfish blacky was floating upside down dead, along with my stuffed animals which were tore apart by my dog were all over the place. Speaking of my dog he left me a little present in the corner. My light blue walls were now covered in spaghetti and my little sister was throwing half eaten cookies all over the place. Then I turned around and my other wall was covered in marker drawings, just then my parents walked in.
The game involves two hoops and a little ball that bounces. You try and get the ball into the hoop each time it goes in your team gets 5 points. The game is over when a team gets 50 points that means you win. Slam dunks are worth 10 points. You play with 3 players 2 people to try and score the other person defends the gole. The rules are you can't push the person down unless you want a penalty shot for the other team. In hardcore games of Dunkin people usally throw softballs to knock people off guard.
Bed room story
As I was walking down the hall to the washroom I herd this crazy noise coming from my bed room. I had to use the washroom bad but I decided to go to my room in stead. When I went to open the door I was kinda scared but I wanted to know what was in there. So I barged into my room and my jaw dropped there were squirrels in my room. One by one they were destroying every thing i had. I quickly shut my door so they could not get into the rest of the house. I thought for a second and then i got it i have totally for got that Ihave a acorn tree in the back yard. I went out and got some. When i got back I ran to my room and opened the door with a hand full of acorns in my hand. When i went into the room the squirrels all stopped and looked at me. I was to scared to move. I knew that they could smell the acorns and that they were hungry. I tried to get out but I locked my self in. Then they could not wait any longer they wanted the acorns now. All of the squirrels came at me scratching me and biting me to get to the acorns it was like being cut by fifty raisers. After the acorns were gone they all left. I got up and left my room i just realized I did not half to go to the washroom any more. Bailey
Bedroom Story
I closed my eyes and opened the door praying that my room would be clean. I opened my eyes and gasped where my dresser once sat was bare. I looked down on the floor and there it was broken into at least 1000 pieces. My clothes were scattered all over the floor. I looked in my closet there wasn't one stitch of clothing left in it. All that was left to my bed was the frame if you would even call it a bed. The matress was all burnt to pieces. I thought it couldn't have happened and that it was all a dream but it was true my sisters have struck (again)!
How to Kick The Can
To play the game kick the can you have to know the rules first.The rules are that there is one person it, the person that is it has to try to catch half the amount of people that are there.
Say there are 16 people ,you would have to catch 8. The next rule is that if the person who is it tags you you are out. There is a second way to get someone out ,the person who is it has to say 1,2,3 on (their name) but the person who is it has to see them the whole time while they are saying it. At the first of the game the person that's it closes their eyes and turns away from the can ,Then someone kicks it and everybody runs behind cover. The person who's it has to run and get the can and put it back in its original place. If you were tagged or seen there is a bright side ,if one of your team mates kicks the can you are free to go .The final two rules are that there is no kicking the can until a team mate is caught and that if you were the first one caught when the person who's it reaches the limit of people you are it for the next round. If you play this correctly with the right amount of people I guarantee that you will have an awesome time! Brendan
Earth Day
Earth day is April.22 is when we turn of the lights and unplug all appliances maybe even ride a bike to school or work to save our environment! Earth Day was started in 1970 in California by Senator Gaylord Nelson.
By : Justine Jardine
Earth day
Earth Day is the one day of the year that people actually do something good for the environment. Sometimes it does a lot of good. But then the day after everything is back to normal. People go back to leaving all the lights on all day and using all their cars. I think it would be nice if everyone always did what they did on earth day. If everyone acted like they do on Earth Day there would be no more pollution, no more smog, then people in Beijing could see the stars at night. Then the ice in the arctic wouldn't melt and the Polar Bears wouldn't go extinct. If everyone acted like they did on Earth Day the world would be a better place. Eric
Dear fellow students, teachers and fellow members of our community,
We as a society have the opportunity to choose our future, not only for ourselves, but for generations to come. Everyday we do things that hurt our enviroment and ozonelayer, when we leave our rooms, some may leave their lights on, when we are away from the television set some may leave it on, We may leave the water running when we don't need it to be. These things we do are very unnessasary, they are simple little things, but simple is a big word when it comes to the enviroment. If everyone was to shut their lights out when they are not needed we would save enough energy to run around 10 small villages! We can do so much to help our Earth, we can save energy by shutting down electronics when they are not needed, we can rycycle and instead of driving our cars to work or school take a bicycle.
We don't realize what is hapening to ourselves and our surrondings when we drive cars or don't recycle. We get too polluted and deseases start to run through the air we call "fresh". Deseases such as cancer make it into our lakes and rivers killing our fish. Bears die because of the fish they are eating, Our Dear and Moose population starts to become low because of the toxic water they are drinking from our lakes. It is just one big chain! Animals and plants start to become extinct because of this! This is unhealthy, cruelty we are placing on this Earth!
When you think you are doing something good for our enviroment when you are reusing small plastic waterbottles, you are not!
Poisonus gas starts to build up in the water bottles so when you leave it sit and then refill it with water, the gas runs into the water and you are drinking it.
When you look on the bottom of the bottle make sure it is maked 4 or up if it is below 4 it is no good and will fill with gas when it is left sitting!
Recycle your bottles and use non-plastic ones.
It can make such a differnece in our ozonelayer and will prevent pollution. We should not be afraid to walk outside, scared of catching cancer or other deseases caused by pollution! This is a free country and we are most likely not free from the deseases. The kids should not be afraid of getting sick and neither should you, we should not have to lose animals and plants because people aren't paying more attention to what they are doing! Think of the homeless people on the streets and how all the money you are spending on plastic waterbottles and other things like gas could be donated to a charity.
We should be helping the Earth as much as we can each and everyday, but if you don't please on April 22 shut off your electronics and drive a bike to school or work! Show the Earth and wildlife how much you care! So recycle, reuse and save energy now before it is to late! Savannah
Earth day
Earth day is April 22nd every year. While April 22nd is the date commonly Celebrated as Earth Daythere is another Earth Day that occurs a month earlier and is celebrated in many countries around the world. This year the veternal equonox is March 20th, which means that it is aloso international Earth Day. Everyone is to shut off and unplug all light and appliances when this day comes. When we do this you can save enough energy to run a small village for a whole week.
By: Danielle Hubbard
Earth Day
Earth day is a day when you are suppose to be helping the environment. By recycling, may be riding a bike to school or work, not polluting, etc. Earth day falls on the 22nd of April every year.
Earth day first started in 1970 in California by Senator Gaylord Nelson. The symbol for earth day is a green circle and a horizontal green line through the middle.
By: Jessica
Pepsicle Commercial
Clerk is doing something to keep herself occupied
Store bell rings customers come in (Justine, Sarah, and Tristan)
Clerk (Jessica) - How may I help you?
Justine - May I have a Pepsi?
Clerk (Jessica) - Sure here you go!
(Justine passes the Pepsi to Tristan)
(Tristan drops Pepsi on the floor)
Sarah- Oh no! You dropped the Pepsi!
Tristan- Oh man…
(Ryan enters sweeping the floor)
Ryan- You’re not just going to leave it there are you?
(Justine holds a light-bulb behind Tristan head)
Tristan- I have an idea!
End of scene
(Tristan’s beside the freezer. Pours Pepsi in a test tube puts it in freezer)
Three hours later
(Tristan takes Pepsicle out of fridge and takes a lick)
(Everyone comes in and surrounds Tristan and says in unity)
Everyone says- Pepsicle peps you up all day!
Lights camera action every year my school puts on a production. I've been in drama for three years this year I got the lead part I am playing the role of Red riding hood. This play is called Doo Wop wed widng hood it is about three princes and they have to do tasks to win over Red riding hood. But every step the boy's make the Evil queen will try to stop them. The fairy Godmother will set three tasks for the boy's and she will try to stop the Evil queen. The story goes on but you'll just have to come and see it. In this play there is lot's of music, dancing and excitement so come to North and South Esk Elementry school to see the production of Doo Wop Wed Widing hood. Look on our web site or call the school at 836-7010. We invite you to our school for the production of Doo Wop Wed Widing Hood.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Earth Day/Earth Hour
Earth Day is celebrated every year on April 22. It's celebrated in the north and the south and in the central parts of the Earth. The first Earth day was on 1969 and was founded by John McConnell.
Plus I think that Earth day matters very much to the world. On March 28 we had a night that you were to shut off all the lights that for one hour to help save the planet. Over 4000 cities and 88 countries took part in this event! A lot of big cities took part such as Toronto to Vancouver, New York and San Francisco. All the way across the world, CN tower to the Grate Wall of China had all the lights turned off. If we don't stop Filling the air with bad chemicals a lot of animals and humans will be killed such as all the people of Holland and the polar bears will die. In 2040 people believe that we will not be able to see any of the stars in the sky. I hope that never happens. We need to stop being the problem and start cleaning up what we did. Everyday should be Earth day not just one day a year. Riley
Holland Project
We had Holland teachers come to see us last week they are our holland pen pals teachers were really nice they gave us candies and cookies they were good and we got little key chain wooden dutch shoes. We got to see a power point that the tech teacher made for us and we got to learn lots about Holland and about there wind mills there they have lots of wind mills in Holland. We had the dutch teachers and some of the people that work at district 16 to come and see Ethan's power point on Native culture his power point was really good. We even got a song to sing and we tried to sing it in Dutch we were pretty good at singing it in Dutch. They gave us sunflower seeds to try to grow and whoever grows the biggest and best looking sunflower the dutch teachers will send us a prize all we have to do is send them a picture in the mail or send the picture by email. We even got to talk and see our Holland friends on skype my partner is Dani she is really nice we email them a lot. Hopefully we will get to see the Holland teachers again and I hope they will come back to Canada because they were great to have at our school
By: Mikayla
Earth Day
Earth day is a Birthday!! just like a birthday is a special day to celebrate a person Earth day is a special day that celebrate the Earth. Earth day is when we take care of the world so we can make it a beater place for people to live on. Dallas
Earth Day
Earth Day started on April.22 1970 in California.You can take care of the earth by picking up bottles, pop cans and garbage. If we all do this it would make earth a better place to live. Alexa

Monday, April 20, 2009

Grade six Literacy Homework
April 20 2009
Write a spatial order paragraph Topics: the Classroom or your bedroom. Remember the key is to be descriptive- use details to paint your picture.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Chronological Order

Chronological order is the order in which the events occurred, from first to last. This is the easiest pattern to write and to follow.

Example: It seemed like an ordinary day when she got up that morning, but Lynda was about to embark on the worst day of her life. First, she fell in the bathtub because her mother forgot to rinse out the bath oil. Then she spilled orange juice on the outfit she had spent hours putting together for school pictures. When she changed, she messed up the French braid her mother had put in her hair. As she walked out the door, she dropped all of her school books and her math homework flew away. Once she made it to the car she thought everything would be all right. She was wrong; her father didn't look before he backed out of the driveway and ran into the neighbor’s truck. Lynda’s side of the car was damaged the most, and she ended up with a broken arm. That night, she cried herself to sleep.

Cause and Effect Order
In this type of order, the cause (or reason) is usually discussed first. This then leads to a discussion of the effect (or result.)

Example:Because toys have become electronic devices, some children today are unable to entertain themselves. Gone are the days when children invented their own adventures and used sticks as swords. cookie sheets as armor, and refrigerator box as a fortress to defend. The electronic age has delivered children all sorts of gadgets and gizmos that are supposed to be realistic. Some toys even have buttons to push so prerecorded messages can be played to begin scripted adventures that require no imagination. No imagination? No wonder some children today have short attention spans.

Problem to Solution Order
In this type of order, the problem is presented first. Details about the problem, including its cause, follows. Next, a suggested solution will be discussed, including details that support the solution.
Example:Several students receive poor grades on writing assignments, not because they lack the ability to communicate, but because they can not seem to manage their time when it comes to a large project. They do not know where to begin, and therefore put things off until the last minute. To solve this problem, students need to develop a timeline for completing the project. If they divide the assignment into manageable “chunks” or parts and then set a schedule for completing each part, they will be able to finish the entire project before the deadline. Without the pressure of not knowing where to begin, the students will be able to focus on the assignment and communicate their ideas effectively.

Spatial Order
This type of organization takes the reader from one spot the next, as if the reader were looking at something. It is very descriptive.

Example:I couldn’t believe my eyes when we finally emerged from the storm shelter. Where the barn once stood there was now only a few tufts of hay. The path that led to the house was scattered with branches and debris. The house! The entire roof was gone. The north wall was caved in and we could see right into the house. Well, what was left of it. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I noticed that most of our belongings had been sucked up into the great vacuum and scattered across the countryside. We heard a loud cracking and moaning as the west wall gave way and collapsed, sending up a wave of dust. And yet, there in the middle of the front yard was mother’s prized rose bush. It swayed in the breeze as if nothing had happened. Seeing it made me realize how lucky we were to be alive. We stood there in dismay, our arms locked around one another.

Climactic Order
This type of organization takes the reader from the least important idea to the most important idea. The ideas build in importance, holding the reader's attention. The best is saved for the last.
Example:My encounter with nature became a learning experience for me. I learned to come prepared for anything. Our canoe overturning was proof that anything could happen. All of our supplies were gone. I also learned that although nature is beautiful, she can also be deadly. If it hadn’t been for the cave we discovered in the moonlight, the hail storm surely would have killed us. Most of all, I learned to trust my mother. I never thought I would say this, but she does know a thing or two. She kept her wits about her and kept me calm as well. Even in the middle of nowhere without any supplies, she still managed to take care of me. Her grandfather had taught her how to survive in the wild, and she hadn’t forgotten a thing.

Reverse Climactic Order
In this type of organization, the most important idea is stated first and the least important idea is stated last. This method is used most often in newspaper articles. This way if the reader does not finish the article he/she will still know the most important details. This method grabs the reader's attention in the beginning, but it does not work very will in holding the reader's attention clear to the end.
Example:A plan to improve the city’s park was approved Monday night by the city council. The plan involves adding landscaping to the north end, rebuilding the bridge over the lake, and updating the playground equipment. Funds for the project have been donated by local businesses who hope that improving the park will bring more people to the downtown area which will in turn bring more customers. The next order of business is for the city council to open the bidding process for the various improvements.

Process Order
In this type of order, a sequence of actions is described. It instructs the reader on how to do something. It is basically a set of directions. Owner's manuals and cookbooks are organized in this pattern.
Example:The first step in redesigning your closet is take everything out and sort through it. Anything you haven’t worn in over a year should be given to charity. Check garments for wear and tear. Take care of anything that needs mending. If it is beyond repair, get rid of it. The second step is to install a closet organizer. Choose one that will hold the different types of garments in your wardrobe. The third step is to put items in the closet so that those you wear most often are easy to access. The final step is to stay organized. Put garments back in their appropriate places so that you will be able to find them.

Classification Order
In this type of order, the main idea is broken down into smaller areas or classifications. Each classification is then discussed.

Example:There are four basic modes of writing. Each mode may take different forms, but has a primary purpose. The first is expository writing, which has a purpose of explaining something or giving directions. Providing directions to your house is an example. The second mode is persuasive writing, which has a purpose of influencing the reader’s way of thinking. An advertisement is a an example of persuasive writing. The third mode is descriptive writing, which has a purpose of providing vivid details so that the reader can picture what is being presented. An essay that depicts the glorious Grand Canyon is an example. The fourth mode is narrative writing, which has a purpose of presenting an experience in the form of a story. A personal account of a vacation is an example of narrative writing.

Comparison/Contrast Order (block form)
In this pattern of organization one item is discussed in detail before the next item is mentioned. In other words, each item gets its own "block" of space within the writing.

Example:As a child, I thought my parents were ignorant and out of touch with reality. They couldn’t possible understand anything I thought or felt. When they weren’t annoying me with their ridiculous lectures, or grounding me for minor infractions of the rules, they were embarrassing me in public. As a parent, I find it frustrating that my children think I have no clue about their lives, even though I understand perfectly well what they are thinking or feeling. I find myself giving my children the same lectures I once thought were ridiculous. My children can not seem to follow the rules their father and I have set, and they are continuously embarrassing me in public. My, how things have changed.

Comparison/Contrast Order (point by point)
This type of order is again based on comparison (the similarities) and contrast (the differences.) Instead of being divided into parts, however, both sides of each point are discussed together.

Example:Although they are sisters, Jennifer and Jessica are complete opposites. Jennifer enjoys playing sports, while Jessica would rather watch. Jennifer has no interest in playing a musical instrument, while Jessica is the first chair violinist. Jennifer listens to new age music, while Jessica prefers country. Jennifer’s favorite subject is English, and Jessica’s favorite is math. Jennifer likes to curl up in a chair on a rainy day and read a good book , but Jessica would rather sleep all day. No one would ever guess that they are actually twins.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Earth Day
we turn off the light for 1 hour at 8:00- 9:Earth day first started on April 22 1969. It was founded by John McConnell. And plus there is a Earth hour. that's where you turn off your light's for one hour 8:30-9:30 that's to save the earth pretty near every one shut down the light's. Craig
Earth Day
Earth day is celebrated on the 22nd of April every year. Earth day first began on April 22nd, 1970. Earth day is a day when some families get together and pick garbage up off the side of the road and they also respect the earth and don't throw and garbage onto the side of the road. Environments use earth day to help get rid of environmental problems like water pollutions, air pollutions and soil pollutions, it also helps the animals in a way. Earth day is a day that was made specially for the earth and it is our job to keep it healthy.
Earth Day
Earth Day was started in 1970 April 22 spring. The one who started it was Gaylord Nelson who said that the bigger the population the more problems it has. The results were that Earth Day had many contests and parades in cities. At the parades they would give tree sprouts to people who would go home and plant them.
Today we were visited by two teachers from Holland. The teachers helped us chat with their Holland kids. When we were done they showed us a slide show about Holland and handed out treats. They also taught us a Holland song. At the end they gave us sunflower seeds and told us to take pictures of them. Wade
Holland Teachers

On Tuesday April 7th the Holland teachers visited us. They did a skype with their class, it was very nice and we asked there class questions. Then we got candy and cookies from Holland. It was cool and they gave us mini wooden shoes. We watched a video of pictures from Holland. It was really cool. I hope to skype with the class again . Logan
This morning Mrs. Leonne Scheers and Mr. Sjaau Yansen taught the grade 6 how to sing “Tulips From Amsterdam” of as they say “Tulpen uit Amsterdam”, they taught it to us in English, and in Dutch! It was very hard, but fun! Now I can say that I know how to sing a Dutch song!
This morning we also skyped with our Holland partners, I got to see my partner Anne-Marie! We got to ask them questions, like what they do for fun, and what they put on their french fries! We actually have a lot in common with them, but one thing we don't have in common with them, is that they don't have very much snow!
Mrs. Leonne Scheers and Mr. Sjaau Yansen brought all of the grade 6's a candy, that looked like their money, it tasted a bit like black licorice! Tiffany
Holland Project
We are doing a project called the Holland project and each kid in our class is paired up with another kid in Holland. This morning at our school we had Mrs. Leonne Scheers and Mr. Sjaau Yansen come in and we skyped with their class. We got to ask the teacher and kids what it was like in Holland and they asked us a few questions. Mrs. Leonne Scheers and Mr. Sjaau Yansen taught us a song called Tulips From Amsterdam. Before they left they gave us each a candy that looked like their money and they gave us a key chain with a pair of shoes on it they also gave us a pack of sunflower seeds and they gave us a competition to plant the seeds and when they grow take a picture of the sunflower and send it to them and they will pick the biggest one then they would send you a prize.
Every year on April 22 we have Earth day it is celebrated by people all over the world we have Earth day because we want people to remember to respect are earth with love and care. In Canada we have people that are called Earth day hometown heroes and they take a stand and get people involved in helping out the environment. And the people who are recognized for helping the environment a lot get a reward on Earth day this year if you are the Canadian
Earth day winner you could receive 10,000 in cash or 5,000 in cash. Some I things I do on Earth day to help out is pick up some garbage that are on the road or around my house and when my family goes to the grocery store we could start using recyclable bags instead of plastic bags. That's all you have to do on Earth day to help out the environment and help out our earth to make it a better place to live so help out this Earth day.
By: Mikayla
Earth Day
Earth day was started in spring 1970. The man who started it was Gaylord Nelson. Now we celebrate earth day every year on April the 22.But we should clean up around the neighbourhood every day. So maybe tonight we can go outside and just clean up around the house or the neighborhood. Kiersten
This morning my school got to meet a Holland teacher and the Holland tech guy for the school.
They were real nice and we got to skype with the Holland teachers class we were on skype for 32:00 minutes and then we had recess and then we went to the other class to watch a video the teacher name was Leonne Scheers and the tech guy Sjaau Yansen. They gave us Holland tiny wooden shoes and candy and then we sang a song in English then Dutch Tulips from Amsterdam.
Earth day
Earth day is a day we celebrate every year by cleaning up our mother earth. It all started in 1970 April 22 by a U.S senator Gaylord Nelson. Earth day is now celebrated every year by millions of people across the planet. Every year me and my family walk and we take garbage bag's and we pick up all the garbage we see. we also try not to waist. Bailey
4 of our grade 6 students are taking part in an oratory competition at NSER high school. 3 students from Mr.Murphy's grade 6 class at competing and 1 from Mr.McCabe's grade 6 class.
The following students from grade 6 will be competing in the competition:
Jessica (Mr.Murphy)
Jordan (Mr.Murphy)
Savannah (Mr.Murphy)
Mikayla (Mr.McCabe

Earth day, the day we turn off all our lights for an hour. But turning off our lights for an hour is not enough we need all around help towards our planet. But what, what can we do to put the brakes on global warming. Well I have one of the answers in our school N.S.E.E we can do simple things like recycle paper. That we don't need instead of throwing it away later to be burned. Same with cans blue boxes to but the cans in so the don't dissolve into our earth and destroy it from the core. So simple things that we could do so our planet doesn't blow up twenty years from now.
- Ryan Curtis
Earth Day
Earth day is on April 22 every year. While April 22nd is the date commonly Celebrated as earth day Earth day also occurs about a month earlier and is celebrated in many countries around the world. This year it is on the veternal equon witch means this day is also earth day. On Earth Day Everyone is a told to turn of there lights and unplug everything for 1 hour. By doing this you are saving tons of energy! On Earth day 2009 we saved up enough energy to run a small village for a week. A whole week! If that is just for 1 hour imagine what will happen if you shut of your lights for a whole day! Kenzie
Helping the earth
I think we can help the earth by making a dump that we can dispose of all the garbage every week and take it to a place where it can evaporate into the air so it doesn't hurt our planet. What we throw out ruins our planet because it is where we throw out all our garbage ends up in dumps out in the middle of nowhere and that effects the animals habitat. If they die, we can die too because some of the animals that die, we need to survive. So if we can at least try to find a place that we can put our garbage I think we can make our would a better place to live. Tristan
Montreal Canadiens
Montreal Canadiens is my favorite hockey team, they're my favorite hockey team because they are closest to New Brunswick and they have 24 Stanley cups. My favorite player on Montreal is Robert Lang, but my favorite player over all they're 100 years is Maurice Richard, and my favorite coach is Guy Carbeneau. Right now Montreal's coach is Bob Gainey and they're captain is Saku Koivu. Montreal is my favorite hockey team and always will be. Jordan

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Toronto is my favorite team they usually lose . But my favorite player on Toronto is Dominic Moore I like the way he plays hockey. When Toronto is losing they don't stop trying. I don't like seeing Toronto losing our to lose. My favorite coach for Toronto was Pat Quinn. But they fired him but there still a great team. Craig
today at N.S.E.E the teacher's from Holland
MRS.Leonne and Mr. Sjaau Yawsen came from Holland to teach us about there home town and they all so gave us cookies and little shoes and they also gave us little black candy they showed us about there class and skyped with the kid's in Holland it was very very cool i wish i could do it again . Craig
This morning two teachers from Holland came to our school, because we have student partner's in a school in Holland. We went on a web cam with them and we asked them question's like “how is the weather” and “what do you do for fun”, it was really cool. We also got presents from Holland like black lickerish,cookies,sunflower seed's and a key chain. Then we sang a song that was in dutch called tulips in Amsterdam. Bailey
Today we were visited by the Holland teachers!!
Mrs: Leonne Scheers
Mr: Sjaau Yansen
when they were here we did a skype with there class. They let us try cookies and candies, they gave us a souvenir little wooden sneakers. Travis
Earth Day!
This year for earth day at N.S.E.E. , I was thinking that the school could shut off all the lights from 8:30 until 10:10, or at least one hour during school. We could also start putting paper that we usually throw away and put it in boxes and take it down to a recycling area. I think earth day should be about seeing how many people care about our earth. It's very important that we take care of our world because one of these day we may not see trees if we keep burning up our atmosphere. For earth day I think we should take a stand for where we live and keep our world the best it can be , healthy, clean, and most importantly safe because we need air to breathe and when these people cut down trees and we less and less oxygen. So this earth day come one people do something to help our world. Shelby

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Basket Ball game
Girl’s .vs. Boys
Last night March 10th the girl’s basketball team played the boy’s basketball team. Of course the game was a home game for both teams. Although both teams played great only one team could win.
At the first of the game the boys had 4 baskets the girls were at 0. The girls started to catch up, and then to boys would get more baskets. When the boy were at 24 and the girls were at 6. Then the girls got caught up at a game of 24 boys and 26 girls!
Then of course after the girls got caught up so fast and well, the boys got more points. At the end of a well played basketball game by the girls and boys the boys ended up with the victory!

- Kenzie♥

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mascot (Part 2)
Like I said I'll keep you posted so the new mascot is a beaver. The winner was Zeth Mullin who drew the beaver and Bernie Keating who made the background. So next year we will have a beaver icon in the gym where the salmon was. The agendas will also have a beaver too. Wade

Monday, March 9, 2009

Grade 6 Banquet Photos
It is that time of the year again…
It is time to get ready for the Grade 6 Banquet!

We are looking for the following things:

Each grade 6 student is asked to bring in 6 photos for a photo display in the gym during the Grade 6 Banquet. This photo display will surround the student’s silhouette on the gym wall. Photos should be a 4 x 6 size, feature the student and be a range of ages from birth to grade 6. (Please send in only 6 photos!)

Each student in grade 6 is also asked to bring in one baby picture and one recent picture to be featured in the Grade 6 Movie that will be shown at the banquet. This photo should be a good quality 4 x 6 photo.

We are also looking for any photos of our grade 6 students through the years. These may be of field trips, class pictures, special events, etc. We are looking more for small or large group pictures rather than individual shots.

Please Note:

All photos should be labeled with your child’s name
Photos should be sent in a baggie and given to Mrs. Mutch
Every effort will be made to return your photos to you; however, if you are worried about your photos…please make a copy or send me a copy.
We would like to get all photos in as soon as possible
If you would rather send any of your photos via e-mail, please send them to
Photos can also be sent in on a CD.
All photos are due March 13th, 2009

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

How To Build A Fighting Robot (Part 3)
Now for the final piece. Tape the rod to the front of the robot. Now put the final vibrator at the end. Attach the sawblade to the vibrator. Put the wires on the battery with the switch OFF! If the switch is on, your robot may injure somebody. Now your robot is complete and ready for battle. Ethan
Biggest fish I ever caught
The biggest fish I ever caught was a 45 pound black Salmon I was so happy when I had that salmon on the fishing .There was people watching til snap the fish jumped and broke the line I had so much fun because it was about 15 minutes to see it jump in the air. It was humongous. James
Kick left kick right and punch and what do you think I am talking about karate that's what I am talking about. Karate makes me feel really Important it let's me be myself but you do have to work really hard to become a black belt. Plus Karate makes you really flexible and it gives you Lots of discipline which is good sometimes. Karate makes me feel really good when I am doing a freestyle it's like nothing else matters but doing good on the freestyle. When you get into a spar with someone you feel like you can do anything. I just got my double blue belt. And hopefully someday I will be going for my black belt. Mikayla

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Shop till you drop

shopping is a girls best friend and my favorite thing to do!!
I like shopping for lots of thing like earing's, clothes and shoes.
There are lots of stores to shop in like my favorite stores adrenes
stiches. Where ever I go I send money!!shopping has always been around
because you can shop for lots of different things like food. We all have to shop but sometimes not what we want but we need. One things for sure tho
no one could ever stop me from shopping!!!


Drama is all about having fun. N.S.E.E. Has had two productions Jack and the Three Sill's than the next year was
Toung Twisted, than this year the play is called Doo Wop Wed Winding Hood. The play this year is about Little Red Riding Hood and three princes that want to merry her, well two of three want to. Riley

Some people say that they wish they didn't have little cousins. I say that a lot too but some days I could squeeze them to death. Yes sometimes they get on your nerves or they get really annoying. You have to admit they don't make it boring when you pay attention to them. That’s when I realized how important my little cousins were to me. Taylor
NSEE's Mascot
NSEE has not had a mascot for a couple of years. Officially the original mascot was the Loch Ness Monster because Loch Ness's nickname is Nessie and if you say NSEE it sounds like Nessie. We then moved on to the high schools mascot a cobra. We are now having a contest for a new mascot. Wade

Monday, February 16, 2009

How To Build A Fighting Robot (Part 2)

Next you have to tape 4 batteries on to the platform. Now attach the LEGO wheels to the end of the vibrators(wheels should be larger than vibrators). Now attach the wires to the switch. Make sure the batteries are all connected. Then attach the wires to the batteries. Switch should be OFF while doing this. If your switch is on, then the robot will drive away incomplete.
Building a robot is really easy. If you are in our class you've probably seen my robot and Ethan's robot ; That cost us virtually nothing. But other robots like asimo can cost tens of thousands of dollars. I'm about to tell you how to make your own; first you just need a couple of simple things:6 battery's, 4 vibrators from 2 video game controllers, six toy wheels, a piece of flat wood about 3 inches across and 7 inches long, and some electric tape. First you take the vibrator and take the thick metal part attached to the little pole that makes it spin(do that to all six of the vibrators).Then you take the toy wheels(make sure that there about 4 inches in diameter). Then you take the wheels and put two wheels on the side of the board(you will be making a robot that spins around in circles so make sure to attach the vibrators so the are going the same way).attach two vibrators on the other side and only one vibrator on both ends. After that you put the six battery's on the platform attach the wires to the battery's then you tape the wires down and watch it spin. After you get bored of it which will be about ten seconds later try putting it in a bowl of flour or something if your mom is baking and freak her out.


Tuesday, February 3, 2009

We will be going skiing every week for gym. But if the weather is bad or cold we don't go. Later in the year we will be going skiing in black ville to go cross country skiing i think it will be so fun!! I wonder how many times we will fall? I bet it will be a lot of fun and it will teach us a lot of stuff and it might even get us into magor skiing. Now i think that will be lots of fun!...(: [:
Sunny Corner Lighting
The house team for Sunny Corner is the Lighting. The next game that they will play will be on February,7 at the L.B.A 10:20am. The last game the team played was against Miramichi the lighting won 4-3. But the lost of their right winger Caleb Cain broke his leg and is out for the remainder of the season. To all players we are buying a “get well card” for Caleb and you can donate as much mony as you want for a present because he won't be able to do much. In the season they are adding a new point to their roster 14-3-10. Ryan.C
Volley Ball !
This year NSEE started a new sport for the grade 6 girls. Mr.Murphy our home room teacher is our volley ball coach. Volleyball practice will start in a few weeks after basket-ball season. A notice to all girls involved in volley ball, you will need knee pads for games and practice. Basket-ball season is almost over and the grade 6 girls are excited to get ready and start volley ball for a few months. In gym the girls play volley ball so they can practice and get use to playing in games but we don't use the net in gym. In practice we will so we can get use to hitting it over the net.
The weather at nsee is keeping students inside with the temperature around -30 to -39 whith the wind chill preventing kid to play in the snow . RobDog
Principal's Cup
We have a Principal's cup every year aginst Blackville in february. We won 5 out of the 6 years, we are going to win this year too because, we have very good players like John, Eric, Denzel, Ryan, James, Craig, Brendan,Eathan, Mathew, Carter, Brett, and Arron. The boys pratice on Monday and Thursday. The Principal's cup is on Febuary 19 at 1:00 at Renous. Make sure to come and watch the fun. Give them a high five in the hallway if you see them. Good luck!!!
This year the grades 4,5 and 6 are all playing on the same basketball team! We will play our first game at Gretna Green on Tuesday Feb.3 after school. The score will be posted after the game. So if you see any basketball girls in the hall give them a high five for good luck!

Boys Basketball
The boys also have a team grades 4 and 5 they will be playing a game on Feb.5th at Black Ville. So if you see them in the halls give them a high five for good luck !
N.S.E.E. Is having a musical for grades 3-6. The girls have a solo , but the boys singing is just in groups. Almost every one auditioned for a part. Today we found out who got the parts .
Jordan is Jason , Denzel is Justin , Mikayla is little red , Danielle is the evil queen , Alexa is the queen , Tiffany is the god mother and Jessica and Mackenzie are Make-up and Hair.
Good luck too every one !
Justine .
Miramichi Timberwolves
The Miramichi T-wolves on Sunday January 25 won their game against Restigouche Tigers 7-5.After the first 3 minutes the Tigers broke out into a fight. It was only a small fight but that lead to another fight which lead into a goalie fight. After all the players got kicked out and put in the penalty box. Then the Tigers coach started to stand on the boards to argue. After the 1st and 2nd period the goals were flying back and forth. In the first of the third the score was 6-4 and went on to 7-5 with two fights with #11 and #11 twice. Simon
Tampa Bay Lighting
My favorite hockey team is Tampa Bay Lighting. A reason that I like Tampa Bay lighting is because that they are fast skaters. They also have Vincent Lecavalier as one of their best players. They also beat my rival friend's favorite (Jordan) team which is Montreal Canadians! Go Tampa Bay Lightning!
Volley Ball
There hasn't been a team for Volleyball since our principal and vice principal has been here. The grade six girls are starting up a volleyball team this year! The coach is Mr.Murphy : math teacher for grade fives, and teacher of one grade six class(math and science). The volleyball practices or games hasn't started up yet. When the volley ball team starts up we will let you know!
Why I Like Colorado Avalanche
My favorite hockey team is Colorado. Colorado is my favorite team because they used to be the short lived, Quebec Nordiques. It was funny that the season they went to Colorado they won the cup! Another I like Colorado Avalanche is because they have almost all my favorite players: Joe Sakic, Peter Forsberg(retired), Rob Blake and Adam Foote. E-rok
Sunny Corner Thunder
The Sunny Corner Thunder on Tuesday January 27th Sunny Corner and Miramichi faced off at the Civic Center in Miramichi the final score was 3-1. The first goal was scored by Luke Silliker the captain of Sunny Corner in the first period.
Riley Butler in the second period behind the net banked it off the goalies skate and in. In the third period Denzel Taylor gave Braden Stewart a pass and he scored backhand. Then the assistant captain of Miramichi scored five hole on Taylor Tozer.
Sunny Corner's next game was also against Miramichi the final score was 2-0.
The goals were scored by Luke Silliker and Riley Butler. Sunny Corner's next game was against Acadian Peninsula the final score was 9-2. The goals were scored by
Noah Porter, Craig Stewart got 2, Denzel Taylor got the game winning goal, Evan MacTavish, Luke Silliker got 2 goals, Braden Stewart, and James Peter-Paul.
There is a grades 4,5, and 6 girls basketbal team this year. They will play their first game on Tuesday, Febuary 3rd, after school at Gretna Green. There is also a grades 4 and 5 boys basketball team this year. They have a game Thursday, Febuary 5th at Balckville. If you se any of the basketball players in the hallway, give them a high five for good luck! :D
Danielle <3

Monday, February 2, 2009

i think twilight is the best movie - book series ever because it is a cool topic and it is vary unique because not just anyone rights a book about a girl that falls in love with a vamper twilight is about a girl named bella and she falls in love with a vamper named Edward Edward has his secret and he will do anything to keep it but that's when bella comes and she finds out his secret. and if that wasn't bad enuf a rival gang shows up and kills people. but Edward is somewhat a vegetarian because his family only eats animals will Edward be able to control his thirst for bella's blood? Logan
Wow it is cold outside! Just yesterday it was -43 in the morning, by the afternoon it was -36 and by the evening it was -40. Today it felt like -40 outside. Since after the Christmas break we haven't gone outside. Once or twice did we go out and it was cold out there.
Music Madness
Music, music always cheers me up. Even if I'm listing to a sad, or a song about someone being mad, it still cheers me up, because I know that someone knows how I'm feeling, if they didn't how would they be able to write the song? Some of my favorite songs are:
● I Hate This Part
● Just Dance
● Just A Dream
● Jesus Take The Wheel
● That's Just The Way We Roll
● Love Story

I find the best medicine for being sad, or mad is listing to music!

Turkey Feathers Everywhere

In the fall my family has a tradition every summer we buy 14 turkeys and in the fall we kill them. My job is to pluck them. First I dump hot water into a big bucket, then I put the dead turkey in. After you soak the turkey you pull the feathers out of the turkey. By the end of the day there are turkey feathers everywhere.

By: Taylor

There I am at the top of the hill. Only me and victory in my road. I saw three kids about my age coming my way. I quickly jumped off the trail and the kids went without ski poles, I was so mad that they could go down a hill and I couldn't. I took off after them on my skis. I blinked and ran into a girl in the back of the line. Bang we hit the biggest tree I have ever seen. She looked at me and then got up twirled her hair and skied off. My aunt came over and asked me if I was alright. I felt joy and replied “ I went down all by my self.” Riley
Being a redhead

Being a redhead is nice but sometimes it can be really awful. Older women would come up to me and start playing with my hair and start saying that they want my color of hair. Some stars have red hair too like Lindsay Lohan, Seth Green. Red heads are really common in my family
I have a little sister and she has red hair too. About forty five members
of my family have red hair or maybe even more. Sometimes you get tired
of old women toughing at your hair but I do love being a redhead.

By: Mikayla
My Favorite TV Show
My favorite show is the Simpsons I always wacth
It. My favorite one is the one where Homer goes to
get a x-ray one his head and they find a pencil or
something up his nose and it got stuck in his brain.
Then they took it out of his brain and he was kind of
a nerd and he helped out Marge all the time doing work and then the family missed the old homer and then he shoved a pencil up his nose and he was dumb angin.
That is my favortie episode of the Simpsons.


Hockey is my favorite sport because i started playing at 5 years old .
I wasn't that good but i got better and better i learn new stuff by watching hockey games.
I love watching hockey games and if i miss the game i watch NHL on the fly .
When i was in alberta for 9 months i played for wembley wildcats and spirit river rangers .
I and then i came home . James
How To Build A Fighting Robot (adult help advised)

Building a fighting robot is not hard. The cost is about $60. You need 3-5 PS2
controllers(depending on how many vibrators it has), a mini saw blade, a strong stick, a wooden platform, 4 LEGO wheels, tape, and 5 batteries. First, attach the vibrators on the side of the platform as if you're applying wheels to a car. Ethan
Every year my family and I go to P.E.I to look at the fields of potatoes. They are so beautiful, we see many people out watering their potatoes. That is not the only reason we go. We go to get our picture taken at this place were you can dress up in different and old fashion clothes. It is very fun every year we get one and take it home. Then when we leave we always buy bags of potatoes they are so delicious. That is what my family does every year.

By: Bailey
My favorite Book

My favorite book is the sister club it's all about how this family of actor's.
There are three sisters Joey, Stevie and Alex they have a club they call the sister club. The oldest sister Alex is in the school play with a boy she really likes. You get really into the book after awhile it’s so funny when Alex invites Scott over to her house. He is the boy she likes, but at dinner Alex's plan goes wrong it turns out to be her worst nightmare. My favorite part was at the dinner it was so funny because Scott kissed Joey’s ear by a mistake it was so funny!! I loved the book I hope another one will come out!! Alexa

Monday, January 26, 2009

First post

This is a test post and it is our first.