Thursday, March 19, 2009

Basket Ball game
Girl’s .vs. Boys
Last night March 10th the girl’s basketball team played the boy’s basketball team. Of course the game was a home game for both teams. Although both teams played great only one team could win.
At the first of the game the boys had 4 baskets the girls were at 0. The girls started to catch up, and then to boys would get more baskets. When the boy were at 24 and the girls were at 6. Then the girls got caught up at a game of 24 boys and 26 girls!
Then of course after the girls got caught up so fast and well, the boys got more points. At the end of a well played basketball game by the girls and boys the boys ended up with the victory!

- Kenzie♥

Friday, March 13, 2009

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Mascot (Part 2)
Like I said I'll keep you posted so the new mascot is a beaver. The winner was Zeth Mullin who drew the beaver and Bernie Keating who made the background. So next year we will have a beaver icon in the gym where the salmon was. The agendas will also have a beaver too. Wade

Monday, March 9, 2009

Grade 6 Banquet Photos
It is that time of the year again…
It is time to get ready for the Grade 6 Banquet!

We are looking for the following things:

Each grade 6 student is asked to bring in 6 photos for a photo display in the gym during the Grade 6 Banquet. This photo display will surround the student’s silhouette on the gym wall. Photos should be a 4 x 6 size, feature the student and be a range of ages from birth to grade 6. (Please send in only 6 photos!)

Each student in grade 6 is also asked to bring in one baby picture and one recent picture to be featured in the Grade 6 Movie that will be shown at the banquet. This photo should be a good quality 4 x 6 photo.

We are also looking for any photos of our grade 6 students through the years. These may be of field trips, class pictures, special events, etc. We are looking more for small or large group pictures rather than individual shots.

Please Note:

All photos should be labeled with your child’s name
Photos should be sent in a baggie and given to Mrs. Mutch
Every effort will be made to return your photos to you; however, if you are worried about your photos…please make a copy or send me a copy.
We would like to get all photos in as soon as possible
If you would rather send any of your photos via e-mail, please send them to
Photos can also be sent in on a CD.
All photos are due March 13th, 2009